How to get a good map in Civilization VII
14 hours ago
And that will be Azeroth gone,
The shadows, the meadows, the lanes,The friendly PUG of strangers.There'll be solo content; it will linger onIn empty expanses that no-one visits;But all that remains for us will be "go go go" and emblems.
"I think it was the sounds of the draenei children that unnerved most of them... You never forget... Have you ever been to Jaggedswine Farm? When the swine are of age for the slaughter... It's that sound."Yet, unlike other major characters who have lived through traumatic times in Azeroth, he has retained his reason. Neither wallowing in self-pity like Arthas, nor descending into the deranged messianic delusions of Kael'thas. Even the death and corruption of his beloved son, Dranosh hasn't broken him. He's still there, advising Thrall, restraining Garrosh. Doing his duty.
"Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had forgiven? Behold, now, the terrible vengeance of the Forsaken! Death to the Scourge! And death to the living!"He comes so close to succeeding ... wounding the Lich King, slaughtering Alliance and Horde alike. It's still not entirely clear who was really behind the whole scheme - Sylvanas would certainly like us to think it was Varimathras, but could he really have done all that without her knowing?
Favourite class and why?Of course, the correct answer should be Shaman. They have so much utility, are deeply tied into the lore and have a unique mechanic in totems. They combine high ranged DPS with heavy armour (glorious for levelling) and have ankhs in case of emergency.